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The PNP Group have been working relentlessly over the past 6 years to ensure their client, a family business located in Western Sydney, was heard and received the maximum financial benefit they were entitled to receive. The business required assistance after experiencing severe damage to their farm after the 2016 major storms.

Requirements for the Small Family Business

Damage to infrastructure was encountered by the tomato farm in Western Sydney, causing financial losses. Initially, the farm approached their insurance company for assistance to claim compensation for the losses during the period. The assessment received from the insurance claims department, after the appointed experts had attended, was that the damages weren’t covered by the insurance policy, due to it being deemed a ‘Flood’ clause.

In September 2016, PNP Group were approached by the small business for help reaffirming the property and business claim. PNP provided assistance in the following areas:

  • Demonstrating and relaying the key facts within the case.
  • Support in the form of expert testimony to give further assistance to claims filed.
  • Disputing the validity of the insurer’s position and “Flood” clause exemption.
  • Quantitative evidence on loss
  • Mediation and negotiations on settlement

Expert assistance from PNP discovered that under the insurer’s policy, there was a specific clause covering damage in the case of storms. This policy meant that although the claim wasn’t valid based on flood policy coverage, there was another clause in which the claim would be covered by insurance.

The PNP Group began an analysis of key factors leading up to and analysing the flood event and other factors that influence damage. Through an analysis of key details, the PNP Group identified that there was a key factor overlooked that meant that the insurance policy had to cover the claim.

In April 2021, the team at PNP group demonstrated that before the flooding event, the farm had been impacted by major stormwater and storm water runoff damage. This discovery meant that any damage relating to stormwater issues must be covered by the insurer.

The Outcome

This case was open for 6 years, with financial and mental tolls being placed on the small business. PNP used experts and legal opinion to take the claim into internal dispute resolution, after which the recommendation was to accept the claim, in which the settlement process began. The PNP group worked tirelessly within this internal dispute process as the evidence was indisputable, and the voice of this small family business was finally heard.

Moreover, the damages and settlement were an amount the insured deserved, but also represented the insurer’s acceptance of the claim and closure for the insured.

“They had survived and been resilient in the pursuit of justice”

PNP Group has a client focus on ensuring that claims result in the maximum amount that clients are entitled to. The claim has now been resolved, resulting in a 6-figure settlement from the insurance company to the small business.

Outcomes from the insurance claim resulted in the property being relinquished and the facility rented out. Results from the settlement have insured financial and non-financial closure for the family.

How PNP Can Help

It is through our commitment to the insured and understanding of the policy wording and terms, the insured rights under the Insurance Contracts Act (1984), that the PNP Group can effectively help policy holders to achieve a successful outcome.

We take pride in understanding individual and business needs whilst focussing on helping our clients move forward after an insurance event, receiving the maximum financial benefit they are entitled to.

For a free consultation call 1300 767 462 or email

Click here for more information on our Insurance Claims Management services.

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