Defects & Remedial Works
The PNP Group of Companies understands the building and construction industry, laws, codes and standards.
As an organisation that provides and supports business and product certification in the industry and providing expert advice, vocational education and auditing services on inspections we know what complies and what doesn’t. So we truly understand your frustration when a job or major project has been placed on hold, stalled, costs escalate, or defects occur during or after the completion of those works.
We also understand your frustration when nobody is listening, or you don’t know how to fix the problem.
The PNP Group manage a full end to end process with expert building and standard auditors, negotiators, builders and only if required our partner legal support. At PNP no job is too small or large we cannot support you.
Before & After
Paving defect: PNP Group was contacted by the client the contractor refused to return. We issued a defect notice and instructed the paving company to undertake remedial works. Work was completed in 7 days.
Major Defect on Solar Installation: PNP Group completed remedial and upgrade works with electrical engineers to meet current standards and codes, with AS/NZS 5139:2019; AS/NZS 3000:2018; and IEC Standards covering PV panels, string inverters and associated components such as fuses, isolators, MCBs.